Teacher Trainings

Psychsomatics (50hours)

300hr Advanced Teacher Training Module


Training Dates

11th - 15th September 2024

What you will learn

• How the body stores emotion, & samskaras. How this can affect movement, mental health & how you can assist your client to recognise and process these.

• The physiology and mechanics of breathing and its effect on the nervous system, pain and interoception.

• Pain physiology and Sensitisation. How to facilitate down-regulation of the nervous system in clients with chronic pain.

• Acute vs chronic pain and methodology for working with each.

• How to facilitate both top down (meditation) and bottom up (asana) approaches to help with chronic conditions such as pain, anxiety, fatigue, depression etc.

• The importance of the therapeutic relationship in healing. Intake assessment, lesson plans and being responsive & empathetic to your clients needs.

• How to promote better self regulation, awareness and resilience in your clients both mentally and physically.

• The importance of loading tissue for promoting adaptation, healing, and transformation.

• How to work with clients with trauma and the impacts of childhood trauma on epigenetics, mental and physical wellbeing.



Early-bird cost: $150 off before 31 July 2024

Refund Policy

For cancellation one month prior to the start date, payment will be refunded. Less than one month prior to and up to the day before training begins, 25% of the teacher training cost will be refunded. There is NO refund once training begins.


200hr Foundational Teacher Training 2025

200hr Foundational Teacher Training 11 February to June 15 2025

Register Now

Training Dates

11 February - 15 June 2025


Basecamp Yoga Grey Lynn, Auckland

Kula Retreat Centre Muriwai


An introduction to yoga history and philosophy including Sankhya Philosophy, Patanjali’s Yoga Sutras and Tantrik philosophy and practices

Ethics of a yoga teacher using the principles of The Yamas and Niyamas

How to culitavte a sustainable sadhana (self-practice)

Meditation methods including mantra, chanting and mudras

Principles of Ayurveda and Yoga

Introduction to the subtle body - Koshas, kleshas, chakras, nadis and prana vayus

Sanskrit names of poses and their etymology

The art of Vinyasa Krama - wise progression of sequencing

Guiding and cueing foundational yoga asana in the styles of Vinyasa, Hatha and Yin

Principles of anatomy and biomechanics

How to observe and see bodies and be able to offer modifications & the use of props

The art of using your voice with confidence and authenticity

Gain confidence through practice teaching - give and receive feedback

Introduction to Yin and Mindfulness

The business of yoga - what’s next 

Be ready to know yourself on a deeper level and experience new possibilities in your life.

Take part in the full 200-hour Teacher training and walk away confident to lead a class anywhere, to anyone.

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